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ImageThe condition of good physical and mental health, especially when maintained by proper diet, exercise, and habits. Wellness refers to the psychological state of being healthy; the actions we take above and beyond our basic needs to improve ourselves.

Wellness is more than a certain type of diet or exercise program, as it involves all facets of the body and mind.

Physical Wellness

Physical wellness is the combination of exercise, proper nutrition and the development of responsible decisions concerning sexual, alcohol, and drug use behaviors.  A physically well person participates in a variety of physical activities, manages weight and stress, and practices good self-care habits.  Physical wellness contributes in the delay of disease or dysfunction until the last stages of life.

Improve Physical Wellness:

·        Eat regularly and do not skip meals

·        Incorporate physical activity into your everyday life

·        Eat a variety of foods that are healthy and colorful

·        Get an annual checkup from your doctor for prevention

·        Seek medical care when needed

·        Minimize the use of nicotine and alcohol

·        Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day

·        Get 7 hours of sleep a night

·        Listen to your body and take time for yourself when needed 


Spiritual Wellness


Spiritual wellness is knowing what inspires and motivates one’s self.  This involves looking within and exploring values and beliefs, and discovering the meaningfulness of life.  A spiritually well person knows their source of inner strength, connects with people in meaningful ways, develops relationships of faith and shares one’s beliefs.  A high level of spiritual wellness often leads toward an understanding of a greater good.


Improve Spiritual Wellness:


·        Find a connection in your community

·        Devote time to causes that you believe in

·        Forgive yourself and others

·        Identify the meaningful things in your life and understand their meanings

·        Find a spiritual connection

·        Celebrate things that are important to you

·        Express gratitude for things

·        Read inspirational books or other literature 


Occupational Wellness


Occupational wellness is the ability to combine skills, interests and values within a job.  An occupationally well person evaluates interests, goals and attitudes through life leading to the capability of identifying a well working environment.  This person also sets goals and outlines ways to attain them and has a clear vision of what success means to them.

Improve Occupational Wellness: 

·        Take a break or lunch break during your workday

·        Balance your workload so that you do not get overwhelmed

·        Use time management skills to pace yourself and to become more efficient

·        Use constructive criticism and learn how to receive constructive criticism

·        Identify tasks that are exciting and interesting and try to assign yourself to those tasks

·        Make your work space comfortable and inviting by arranging and keeping it clutter free

·        Ask help from supervisors if needed 


Social Wellness


Social wellness is the appreciation of the uniqueness of others and the ability to create relationships with family, friends and peers.  A socially well person can communicate well, address issues that arise within relationships, and understand that there is a need for fun and leisure time to reconnect with people.

Improve Social Wellness:

·        Participate in activities that include socializing

·        Develop relationships and maintain a support network

·        Spend time with people whose company you enjoy

·        Keep in contact with important people throughout your life

·        Get to know other and let others get to know you 


Intellectual Wellness


Intellectual wellness is the expanding of knowledge and ongoing education of the world around you.  An intellectually well person realizes that learning does not end after the completion of formal education.  This person seeks to discover and understand other points of view, and has the ability to interpret and articulate what they think about what they have learned.

Improve Intellectual Wellness:

·        Ask questions

·        Be open minded

·        Converse with people that intellectually stimulate you

·        Learn something new every day

·        Keep up to date with current news and issues

·        Read books and magazines for fun

·        Recognize learning as a life-long endeavor

·        Do crossword puzzle and brain-teasers during down time


Environmental Wellness


Environmental wellness is the process of unfolding your relationship with the environment.  This includes your immediate surroundings and the world around you.  An environmentally well person maintains and replenishes resources we need, cares for animals and places, and understands the significance of nature. 


Improve Environmental Wellness: 


·        Use environmentally friendly cleaning products

·        Donate old clothes to Goodwill or a similar organization

·        Conserve water by taking shorter showers and not letting it run while brushing your teeth

·        Walk or ride a bike whenever possible instead of driving

·        Conserve electricity by turning off lights when you are not in the room

·        Plant a tree or get fresh flowers for your home

·        Recyle



Emotional Wellness


The emotional dimension recognizes awareness and acceptance of one's feelings. Emotional wellness includes the degree to which one feels positive and enthusiastic about oneself and life. It includes the capacity to manage one's feelings and related behaviors including the realistic assessment of one's limitations, development of autonomy, and ability to cope effectively with stress 


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