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African-American History 101: Answers Print E-mail
  1. "Lucy"
  2. Menes

  3. Piankhi and Tarharqa

  4. Queen Tye

  5. Mansa-Musa or Kan-kan Musa

  6. Sonni Ali

  7. Sankore in Timbuctu

  8. Chaka Zulu

  9. "The Great Enclosure" and/or the"Great Walls of  Zambabwe"

  10. Melle or Mali 800-1200 AD; Songhai 1200-1600 AD

  11. a) cloth, b) sugar

  12. Berlin, 1882-1884

  13. Labor unions

  14. Marcus Garvey's United Negro Improvement Organization

  15. Chamber of  Deputies

  16. Jomo Kenyatta

  17. Albert Lutuli of  South Africa in 1961

  18. Ethiopia

  19. Robbens Island

  20. Brazilian Portuguese

  21. Fort Mose (or Gracia Real de Santa Teresa de Mose

  22. Yellow Fever Epidemic of 1793

  23. Paul Cuffe

  24. Sojourner Truth, "Ain't I a Woman"

  25. Rebecca Lee Crumpler

  26. Davis Walker, "Appeal to the Colored Citizens of the World."

  27. Robert Smalls

  28. Journal of Charlotte Forten

  29. Major Martin Robison Delany

  30. The Reverend Henry Highland Garnet

  31. John Willis Menard of Louisiana

  32. Edward Alexander Bouchet

  33. Eva Beatrice Dykes

  34. Mary McLeod Bethune

  35. Andrew Brimmer

  36. Mrs. Shirley Chisholm

  37. Booker T. Washington

  38. George Washington Carver

  39. Norbert Reillieux

  40. Major General Benjamin Oliver Davis, Jr., in 1943.

  41. Major Robert H. Lawrence, Jr.

  42. Doctor of  Medicine from Cornell Medical School

  43. Mordecai Wyatt Johnson, preacher

  44. Alain Leroy Locke

  45. Dr.Walter E. Massey

  46. Ms. Ella Baker

  47. Secretary, local NAACP

  48. The Reverend Vernon Johns

  49. Roy Wilkins, former journalist

  50. Whitney Moore Young, Jr.

  51. Asa Philip Randolph

  52. Ownership of the Arkansas State Press newspaper

  53. The Navy Cross Medal

  54. Ms. Ruby Hurley

  55. Jim Braddock

  56. Adam Clayton Powell, 1944 to 1970

  57. Septima Poinsette Clark

  58. Barbara Jordan of Texas

  59. Late Howard University Law School Dean Charles Hamilton Houston

  60. 8 million

  61. Bayard Rustin

  62. Congress on Racial Equality (CORE)

  63. Paul Robeson

  64. Jesse Remond Fauset

  65. 200,000 copies sold in three weeks

  66. The Liberty Party

  67. John Mercer Langston, Brownhelm, Ohio, 1855

  68. The New York Suffrage Association of 1855

  69. 1854 National Emigration Convention, based in Ohio

  70. National and state property protection sections

  71. Louisiana, 24,052

  72. Pennsylvania, with 8,612

  73. 22 received the Medal of  Honor

  74. Syracuse, New York

  75. National Negro Labor Union

  76. Northern National Union League movement

  77. The Black Exodus of '79

  78. The Colored Farmers Alliance and Industrial Union

  79. The Populist Party

  80. Mary Church Terrell

  81. Social Darwinism, or survivors of  the fittest as rulers

  82. Progressivism

  83. The Black or Harlem Renaissance

  84. Black Arts Movement

  85. Genealogy

  86. Smith, Kline and French Pharmaceutical Company

  87. Joel Elias Spingarn Medal

  88. Provident Hospital, Chicago; Freedmen's Hospital, Washington, DC.

  89. Paramaribo, Guiana

  90. The Elijah McCoy Manufacturing Company, Detroit

  91. Johns Hopkins Hospital

  92. Katherine Johnson

  93. David H. Blackwell

  94. Dr. Shirley Ann Jackson

  95. Dr. Roland Scott

  96. Meredith Gourdine

  97. Warren M. Washington

  98. Xavier University of Louisiana

  99. Dr. George Carruthers

  100. Dr. Montague Cobb

  101. Dr. James E. West

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