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Today is: 05 May 2024

Is the Black Church Dead? Print E-mail

The Black Church, as we've known it or imagined it, is dead. Of course, many African Americans still go to church. According to the PEW Research Center's Forum on Religion and Public Life, 87 percent of African Americans identify with a religious group and 79 percent say that religion is very important in their lives. But the idea of this venerable institution as central to black life and as a repository for the social and moral conscience of the nation has all but disappeared.

Do Some Black Churches Help Or Hurt the Community? Print E-mail

It would be extremely naive to believe that the ongoing battles in our communities are solely the result of dysfunctional families, lack of quality schools, systemic racial injustices, and low-paying jobs. These are all factors that contribute to a variety of societal issues, but we as a people have neglected to hold the church responsible for the role it plays, or fails to play, in Black society.

Christians Do Split Churches Print E-mail
It was Friday morning. The pastor sitting across from me was in anguish over a serious discussion in his church. Some members had called for a vote of confidence for the following Sunday, and it was now a "no win" situation. If the vote was favorable for the pastor, the church would split; and the same if the vote was unfavorable.
Why Should I Join a Church? Print E-mail
 "Why should I join the church?" Despite my seminary training and pastoral experience, I was unprepared for this new Christian's question. He agreed from our study of the Scripture that he needed to identify himself as a disciple of Christ through baptism, but then he asked, "Can you show me from the New Testament that I'm supposed to officially join anything?" Now he really had me.

Some Positive Benefits Churches Bring to Communities Print E-mail
The American founders viewed churches as a central institution within American life, because religion provided the moral foundation of self-restraint and community awareness necessary for the success of republican self-government. Many believed that the American experiment would not succeed without the moral training churches provided to citizens.
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