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Today is: 14 June 2024
Martin L. King

Galilee Missionary Baptist Church Print E-mail

Our Mission Statement

The Galilee Missionary Baptist Church is a Word-centered ministry designed to evangelize the lost at any cost, equip and empower the people of God, and provide holistic ministry to our community as well as the world. Revitalizing and reconnecting our communities to their God-given potential economically, socially, spritually and morally.

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Schedule of Services

Sunday:        9:15 AM - Sunday School 

Sunday:       10:30 AM - Worship Hour

Monday:        5:00 PM - Mission

Tuesday:       6:30 PM - Prayer Meeting

                    7:00 PM - Bible Study

Wednesday:   9:00 AM - Community Prayer

Thursday:      6:30 PM - Choir Practice


 Our Pastor, Elder Booker T. Randon

Elder Booker T. Randon was born and reared in Brazoria in the Hinkle Ferry Community and is the son of the late Peter J. and Lue Ella Randon. Elder Randon joined the United States Army on January 13, 1958 and was discharged honorably on March 5, 1965,as a Personnel Specialist Sergeant. After leaving the military, he was the first African American to own a Beacon Oil Franchise in Seaside California. He was the owner of the franchise from 1967-1969. Booker T. Randon completed Business Administration studies at Monterey Peninsula College in Montery, California in 1968. He finished his undergraduate studies at Golden Gate University in Management and Accounting and he entered a Master's Program in 1973 in San Francisco, CA. He completed another Management Program at the University of California Medical Center in San Francisco, California in 1975.

Elder Randon accepted his call in 1986 under the leadership of the late Pastor S. J. Scott of the Greater St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church of Oakland, California. He attended the Golden Gate School of Theology and the Bay Cities Bible College of Oakland, California in 1988. He was ordained by Pastor J. L. Jones of Love Temple Missionary Baptist Church of Oakland in 1992. He founded and pastored the First Emmanuel Church with a "feeding ministry" program for the homeless for seven years. He received The Outstanding Chancellor's Community Service Award from the University of California at Berkeley on April 13, 2000. Booker T. Randon retired from the University of California on January 3, 2006, after 23 years of dedicated service. After a strong revelation from God, he moved back home, was appointed interim Pastor for Galilee Missionary Baptist Church in April 2006 and  installed as the Pastor Sunday November 19, 2006. Recently he was appointed to the Dow's Community Appeals Panel (CAP) , The Texas Dow Operation in Freeport, Texas. Booker T. Randon is an awesome Man of God, with a heart full of nothing but LOVE for the body of Christ and his local community.



Louisianna Print E-mail
In addition to our internet services, All USA Online is dedicate to your information needs in the State of Louisiana, it's parishes, cities, towns and communities. Major cities are visiable in the main menu. Other cities are linked below their respective parish and will appear when the parish link is clicked. The content items, directory, photo gallery, and other features, will be updated continously. So visit often!
Directory Print E-mail
ImageTo view Local Directories, Click  "State",  "County",  "Directory".  Our Directory is on track to be the leading online destination for people seeking information about your business, church and other organizations in your local area and All USA.  
Insurance Reform Print E-mail
Currently, insurance companies are exempt from antitrust laws that prohibit companies from sharing cost information. The bill would eliminate the insurance industry's 64-year-old exemption and authorize the federal government to investigate insurers who allegedly share information to set rates.
Beech Grove CME Church Print E-mail

Beech Grove CME Church

Pastor King
She now serve as Pastor at Beech Grove CME Church in Pinson, Tn  and Mission Coordinator for Jamaica under the leadership of  Bishop Lawrence L. Reddick,  the Presiding Prelate of the First Episcopal District .


She was born April 18, 1954 in Whiteville Tn.  She is one of seven children of the late Mr. Dan Blockett Sr. and the late Mrs. Gussie Blockett.

A graduate of Lane college, Jackson, Tn. (Bachelor of Arts degree) and Memphis Theology Seminary, Memphis Tn. (Master of Divinity degree).

Her ministerial appointments prior to now included:

·    Pastor, Hullum CME Church (Rutherford Tn), 2002-03;

·    Pastor, Union Hill CME Church (Jackson, Tn), 2002-04;

·    Pastor, Beech Grove CME Church (Pinson, Tn), 2003-07;

·    Pastor Denmark CME Church (Denmark, Tn), 2009-10; 

·    Pastor, Jones Chapel CME Church (Mercer Tn), 2009-10);



Alma King lives in Jackson, Tn. She is owner and operator Golden Shears Family Hair Care, and Unique Jewelry & Boutique. She has a ministry providing sack lunches, clothes, and other needed items for the homeless.

Slavery - or forced labor Print E-mail

The expansion of Whites into Africa, Asia and America created the background for the great slave traffic from Africa and Asia to Europe and America. From 1530 to the time of the abolition of the slave trade - as opposed to slavery - in 1870, at least 10 million Blacks were forcibly brought to the Americas: about 47 percent of them to the Caribbean islands and the Guianas; 38 percent to Brazil; and 6 percent to mainland Spanish America.

Why Pray? Print E-mail
Why pray? Why pray when God is already in perfect control of everything? Why pray when God knows what we are going to ask before we ask it?
Port Freeport: Commissioner Print E-mail

ImagePlease vote for Riva Singhania, Port Freeport Commissioner, Position 3. Leadership for Responsible Growth. (1) Joined BASF Freeport in 1968; (2) Strong Community Commitment; (3) Leadship and Experience. Early voting begins April 30, 2007; Election Day, May 12, 2007.

History Of Slavery: 1619-1789 Print E-mail
The other crucial event that would play a role in the development of America was the arrival of Africans to Jamestown. A Dutch slave trader exchanged his cargo of Africans for food in 1619. The Africans became indentured servants, similar in legal position to many poor Englishmen who traded several years labor in exchange for passage to America.
Are schools failing black boys? Print E-mail

By fourth grade many African American boys are already falling behind in the classroom. Our report examines what’s happening, what can be done, and why it should matter to all of us.

History of Slavery: 1790 – 1829 Print E-mail
1790: The United States- According to the first census, there are 757,000 blacks in the United States, comprising 19% of the total population. Nine percent of blacks are free. Virginia’s slave population reaches 200,000, up from over 100,000 from 1756. The Census of 1790, revealed 59,557 Free Negroes and 697,624 slaves in a population of 3,929,625, the most slaves being in Virginia (292,627) and the least in New Hampshire.  
To Close Gaps, Schools Focus on Black Boys Print E-mail
In an effort to ensure racial diversity, the school system here in northern Westchester County is set up in an unusual way, its six school buildings divided not by neighborhood but by grade level. So all of the second and third graders in the Ossining Union Free School District attend the Brookside School.
History Of Slavery: 1830 – 1921 Print E-mail
Andrew Jackson's Indian Removal Act forcibly removes five Indian nations from the lower South to less desirable land in the West, thus opening roughly 25 million acres to cotton cultivation. 1830: Andrew Jackson Census: 6 male and 8 female slaves, 5 "free Colored Persons" out of a household of 25.   
Impacts of Illegal Immigration: Education Print E-mail
Many legal immigrants to the US are highly educated – something that is highly desired in an immigrant. In contrast, most illegal aliens are very poorly educated. The average education levels for Mexican fathers, a large component of the illegal alien population, and their U.S.-born children are at the bottom of the educational spectrum.
History of Slavery in the United States Print E-mail

The history of slavery in the United States (1619-1865) began soon after the English colonists first settled in Virginia and lasted until the passage of the 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. In the very early decades of the institution, there was indentured servitude, which typically lasted a period of four to seven years for white and black alike; by 1662 the American incarnation of slavery was established by court ruling. By the end of the 17th century slavery was far more common in the Southern colonies than in the North.

What Local Churches Can Do Print E-mail

Local churches and all communities of faith must become better informed about the needs of the public schools in their communities and in the country as a whole. They can then counter the widespread misinformation now abroad, and work together to support and strengthen the schools.

Slave trade: a root of contemporary African Crisis Print E-mail
Why go back five centuries to start an explanation of Africa's crisis in the late 1990s? Must every story of Africa's political and economic under-development begin with the contact with Europe? The intention is not to produce another nationalist tract on how whites, driven by lust for material possession and armed with firearms, gin and a bag full of tricks, subjugated innocent Africans who were living blissfully close to nature.
Educating Illegal Aliens in Texas Print E-mail
I get questions all the time asking why Texans have to pay to educate illegal alien children residing in our state. Our school district property taxes fund Texas schools to the amount of up to $5,000 per year per student.  This amount increases greatly when any child is ruled “special needs”, requires bilingual teachers, or extra tutoring to pass the TAKS tests.
The Silent Epidemic Print E-mail

Most students report that dropping out is gradual process of disengagement that could be reversed with more challenging coursework and support.

History of Judaism Print E-mail
Circa 2000 BCE, the God of the ancient Israelites established a divine covenant with Abraham, making him the patriarch of many nations. The term Abrahamic Religions is derived from his name. These are the three or four major religions which trace their roots back to Abraham: Judaism, Christianity, Islam and the Baha'i Faith.
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